Weekly Wire Roundup Video 23
This week, we covered the following news; you may read them in detail by visiting the links below.
Office of Technology Transitions Announces $250K Cash Prizes to University Teams.
Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the EnergyTech University Prize (EnergyTech UP) is a collegiate competition challenging multidisciplinary student teams to develop and present a business plan that leverages DOE national laboratory-developed and other high-potential energy technologies.
Deepbits: An ExCITE Riverside Alumni Makes a Tool to Detect Malware from Binary Code
Deepbits‘ is an ExCITE Riverside, CA alumni, and the startup has come up with a tool to detect and disassemble malware from a computer’s binary code. They call it the ‘analytic toolchain for binary code“. After being incubated in ExCITE Riverside, Deepbits earned an award from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) to develop an end-to-end late-stage binary customization system in 2017. One year later, it earned the National Science Foundation-led NSF SBIR Phase I award for developing an extensible and customizable binary code analytics engine for malware intelligence.
Riverside County to Have a Futuristic Off-highway Vehicle (OHV) Park
In partnership with the State of California Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division, the Riverside County Regional Park and Open Space District is conducting a countywide feasibility site and selection study for a future public off-highway vehicle (OHV) park. The study aims to identify locations for a regional OHV recreation area in Riverside County.
California’s $185M Jobs Program to Help Disadvantaged Youth and Young Adults to Work
The “Californians For All Youth Jobs Corps,” part of the “California Comeback Plan,” is a $185 Million job and career enhancement program funded by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s 2021-22. According to the terms of the program, the state government will make $150 million available to 13 large cities and $35 million to smaller counties in the second phase.
Bourns Family Youth Innovation Center: The Keeper of STEM Spirit in Riverside, CA
If there’s one place in Riverside, California, that carries an innovative and futuristic aura, it’s the Bourns Family Youth Innovation Center. It has all the modern gadgets and technology that transports you 20 years ahead of today. 3-D printers, It has a sound room, a film-production room, a computer lab, and a lounge equipped with six televisions ready to stream games.
The IE Business Edge Magazine by RLM Company
This is a new business magazine started by Norm Pelzer, CEO and Publisher of the IE Business Edge Magazine. The magazine’s parent is RLM Company, a multi-title publishing firm in Riverside, CA, founded nearly five years ago. The CEO and publisher Norm brings decades of corporate and entrepreneurial business experience to the community and has launched the new IE Business Edge magazine.
Upcoming Meetups & Meetings
- Beers and Bitcoin in Beaumont Meetup – Mon Feb 7
https://www.meetup.com/inlandempirebitcoiners/events/283621791 - Cyber Talks Virtual Meetup – Tue Feb 8
https://startempirewire.com/event/cyber-talks-virtual-meetup-5/ - VIRTUAL WordPress Developer Night – #IEWP – Tue Feb 8
https://www.meetup.com/inlandempirewp/events/283566125/ - Loans For Your Small Business – (4th Sector Ontario) – Wed Feb 9
https://santaanadistrictsbdc.ecenterdirect.com/events/7862 - I2TEC2: AI and RPA (Robotic Process Automation): What You Need to Know! – Thu Feb 10
https://www.meetup.com/I2TEC2/events/282723275/ - WordPress Workshop Night – #IEWP – Thu Feb 10
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