Manufacturers’ Council of the Inland Empire (MCIE) and Garner Holt Education through Imagination organized a technology and robotics presentation at Garner Holt Education through Imagination in Redlands, CA.
The presentation took place on 16th Nov 2021, in which Festo Didactic, a global leader in basic and further training in the manufacturing industry, showcased its training equipment, robotics machines, and programs.
“We try to host a workshop every year to showcase our equipment and curriculum to schools. Schools get to learn about the latest and greatest in technology, which helps them prepare students for careers.”
Pat Uetz, Business Development Manager of Advanced Technology Consultants
We Covered this in Weekly Wire Roundup
Community Colleges Attend the Presentation
Inland Empire’s community colleges also attended the presentation. Those in attendance were from:
- San Bernardino Community College District
- Fullerton College
- Chaffey College
- California Baptist University
The Inland Empire Manufacturer’s Council
The MCIE collaborates with manufacturers, schools, and agencies to promote the cause of manufacturing in the Inland Empire. The presentation is part of these efforts.
It regularly conducts events and presentations such as:
- Industry 4.0 and Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop
- MFG-fest: In-Person Networking Event
- MFG Happy Hour – Manufacturing Automation in the Inland Empire – What to Expect and How to React
The advantage of such events is that MCIE can share the certifications and training requirements for students to educate themselves about pathways into the manufacturing workforce.
As for manufacturing activity in the Inland Empire, we previously wrote that:
“This month’s Inland Empire Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) was 62.3, showing an increase from last month’s 54.7 “, according to a new report by the Institute of Applied Research at Cal State University, San Bernardino (CSUSC).
The index shows an upward trend in the Inland Empire’s business activity, especially during the last 14 months. “
“This month’s Inland Empire Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) registered 62.3, a sharp increase from last month’s 54.7. The index has remained above the baseline 50% mark for fourteen consecutive months, indicating that the Inland Empire manufacturing sector and overall economy have continued the trend of steady growth for over a year.”
Dr. Barbara Sirotnik (Director, Institute of Applied Research) and Lori Aldana (Project Specialist, Institute of Applied Research)
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