Riverside County Business Revitalization Program
In response to the detrimental economic effects of COVID-19, the Program will use $10,000,000 of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for approved business improvements.
The Program will fund up to 100% of the total approved project costs for a maximum of $250,000 ($75,000 for design, $175,000 for construction and permitting, and so forth).
General Program goals comprise, but are not restricted to:
- The renovation of business properties in unincorporated areas.
- Changes to the façade and storefront.
The following services will be procured under the supervision of the Riverside County Office of Economic Development:
- Design advisers.
- Construction (and prevailing wages) (and prevailing wages).
- Permitting.
- Environmental.
The day-to-day management of the design and construction will be the property owner’s responsibility. Still, the County will be accessible to help as needed and provide clarification on a project.
The County will ensure that all construction is compensated at the higher prevailing wage rates the California Department of Industrial Relations set for each specific classification and the federal Davis-Bacon Act.
1. Eligibility Guidelines for The Applicants
- Small private for-profit businesses, such as sole proprietorships, independent contractors, owners, and owners acting on behalf of tenants, must have fewer than fifty (50) employees.
- Businesses must be situated in Riverside County’s unincorporated areas.
- Existing enterprises must have all necessary permits and land use rights, except projects for code enforcement.
2. Who is Ineligible to Apply?
The following kinds of businesses are not eligible to apply for the business revitalization program:
- Public or nonprofit organizations.
- Startup Companies (as of September 1, 2022, having fewer than one (1) year of operating history).
- A company that took part in any criminal conduct defined by federal, state, or municipal law.
- An investor, investment firm, or passive corporation that files a Schedule E on its tax filings.
- A speculative business primarily engages in risky behavior to make a considerable profit. Examples include companies that exist solely to buy and hold products until their prices rise.
- A company that limits customers for any reason other than capacity or any company that unlawfully discriminates against customers.
- Residential developments or real estate investment initiatives, including operators of short-term rentals.
- Casinos and other places to gamble.
- Enterprises involved in adult entertainment.
- Enterprises relating to cannabis.
3. How to Apply for the Program?
The application process is simple. You can fill out the application form via this link: https://rivcoed.org/brp.
Wrap Up!
For businesses that qualify, the Business Revitalization Program offers storefront improvements like outdoor dining areas, better ventilation, increased cleaning efforts, barriers, signs, demolition/deconstruction of abandoned structures, removal of environmental toxins, and additional capital improvements (case-by-case).
Business Revitalization Grant Program applications are welcomed from companies in Riverside County’s unincorporated areas. Grants per accepted application are limited to a total of $250,000. The Program will use the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds totaling $10,000,000 for authorized company upgrades.
Small private for-profit enterprises, including sole proprietorships, independent contractors, and owners working on behalf of tenants, are welcome to apply for the Riverside County Business Revitalization Program.