City of Temecula Mainstreet Digital Grant Program
A Digital Bootcamp Training & Grant Program launched by the City of Temecula will help businesses establish or enhance their online presence and increase traffic through paid and unpaid advertising. Businesses that are qualified and finish the training course may be eligible for a $10,000 incentive. Grant money must be utilized to cover the company’s marketing digitization costs.
Throughout the four (4) weeks, business owners will gain knowledge of the essential components required to create and construct a solid e-commerce portal for their company and abilities to increase traffic, increase brand awareness, and reach larger audiences online.
Startempire Wire
Program Schedule
First session: YOUR WEBSITE (January 24: 10 AM – 12 PM)
These topics will be covered in this session:
- Keeping your domain name secure
- platforms for e-commerce
- hosting systems
- Blogs with Website Content
- Accounts of merchants
- Privacy and return policies
- On-Site Promotion
Second session: DRIVING TRAFFIC (January 31: 10 AM – 12 PM)
These topics will be covered in this session:
- YouTube Email Marketing Social Media Marketing
Third session: MARKETPLACES (February 07: 10 AM – 12 PM)
These topics will be covered in this session:
- Social Commerce Markets and Pricing Considerations
- Online directories from Groupon
Session 4: Scalability and ROI KPIs (February 14: 10 AM – 12 PM)
These topics will be covered in this session:
- Shipping & Packaging
- Goals and control indicators using key performance indicators
- Development & Sustainability
Program Structure
The four-week Digital Bootcamp, which runs from Tuesday, January 24, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, is mandatory for accepted applicants. To be eligible for the award, participants must attend all four sessions.
Four (4) separate, two-hour Zoom training sessions are required. An additional 1:1 consultation meeting with their SBDC consultant can be scheduled if a company misses one of the necessary training sessions. A business will lose its right to the $10,000 prize if it skips two or more required training sessions.
Between cohort meetings or sessions, there must be one (1) required 1:1 consultation meeting with an SBDC consultant.
Who is eligible to apply?
The following requirements, which the City of Temecula has established, must be met by a business to be eligible to apply for the Digital Bootcamp Program.
To be eligible for grant financing, the business applicant must fulfill the following criteria:
- The company’s physical location must be in Temecula;
- The company must have been operational as of March 2020;
- The company must be run for profit;
- The company must be physically located;
- The company’s revenue must be $5 million or less;
- At the time of application, the company’s Temecula business license must be in good standing;
- The company must be in good standing with the city (current on payments, no liens or judgments, etc.), barring circumstances related explicitly to COVID-19 effects;
- The company cannot have its access to federal funds canceled, restricted, or otherwise excluded;
- The company must submit the application and all necessary supplementary materials.
Wrap Up!
The City of Temecula and the Orange County Inland Empire Small Business Development Center (SBDC) are collaborating on the Digital Bootcamp Training & Grant Program, a four-week initiative offering Temecula-based brick-and-mortar businesses financing and training to establish or enhance their online presence and increase traffic through paid and unpaid advertising.
Qualified businesses that complete the training course may be eligible for a $10,000 grant to cover marketing digitization costs. The program consists of four two-hour Zoom training sessions, a one-on-one consultation with an SBDC consultant, and the opportunity to apply for a $10,000 grant. Applications for the program will be accepted from December 19, 2022, to January 21, 2023.