StratosFuel, based out of San Bernardino, California, received $3M from Cal Energy Commission to Build Alternate Fuel Stations.
The California Energy Commission (CEC) announced a grant for “Renewable Hydrogen Transportation Fuel Production” on April 9, 2021. This grant application was an offer to support building hydrogen production facilities that will create sustainable hydrogen transportation fuel using renewable resources from inside the state.
We Covered this in our Weekly Wire Roundup
Core Purpose of the Program
The Clean Transportation Program of the California Energy Commission (CEC) announced the availability of up to $7 million in grant funds for projects. These funds were used to design, engineer, build, install, test, operate, and maintain a hydrogen facility in California that will produce 100% renewable hydrogen from in-state renewable resources.
Once completed and operating, the plant will be a 100 percent renewable hydrogen source used as a transportation fuel. When distributed at a station, the hydrogen produced will fulfill California standards for usage in on-road fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), both light-duty and medium-/heavy-duty.
The CEC also reserved the right to raise or decrease the amount of money available under this solicitation at its sole discretion.
Requirement for Funds Provision:
The acceptance of proposed projects emerging from this request at a publicly advertised CEC Business Meeting and the execution of a grant agreement were required before providing funds.
This notification was distributed to all parties that applied for this solicitation. It was also available on the CEC’s website.
Contact Details:
For queries and requests, the following details were given:
Address: Kevyn Piper, Commission Agreement Officer
Phone number: (916) 827-9241
E-mail: [email protected]
Other Details:
- All public and private entities were invited to participate in this request.
- Applicants were required to have a business presence in California to be considered.
- Until the last date of acceptance, 26 applications were submitted.