mapEDU is a curriculum mapping software that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to document the quality of a school’s curriculum and whether or not it meets the learning outcomes, accreditation requirements, and quality requirements. It provides curriculum analytics in higher education—especially medical, nursing, osteopathy, and pharmacy schools.
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The startup is located at Lime St Suite 725, Riverside, CA.
AI-POWERED mapEDU objectively discovers and assigns keywords for health-profession educators challenged by a lack of question-category tagging and uniformity. The CEO of mapEDU announced this on 28 April 2022 at the AACOM’s Educating Leaders 2022 conference.
“mapEDU can do the heavy lifting and discover keywords–ready for review within minutes.”
~ mapEDU’s CEO Seth Hernandez
MeSH words and their accompanying hierarchy of terms are immediately shown for each inquiry, thanks to integration with the US National Library of Medicine’s MeSH on Demand. Additional keyword lists and learning objectives are planned. MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) is the NLM-controlled vocabulary thesaurus used for indexing articles for PubMed.
In health-profession schools, analyzing student performance and tailoring assistance is crucial to student success and the future of healthcare. It’s also riddled with data problems that result in trash in and garbage out.
Exam results of 80 percent might indicate very different things to different students. Test software uses accurate category labeling of exam questions to highlight particular topic areas where students need to improve.
When question authors are given the ability to tag their questions, issues immediately arise. Because manually selecting keywords is prone to subjectivity, a lack of term uniformity, various degrees of comprehensiveness, mistakes, and exhaustion from the work necessary to tag each question correctly.

How it works?
Here’s how mapEDU works:
- Users export existing questions and upload them to mapEDU.
- Through Natural Language Processing, relevant MeSH terms are discovered.
- Users, and even groups of users, can review mapEDU-generated tags by the question, select parent and child terms, link back to the library, deselect any pre-existing tag, or add a tag such as Remove or Revise.
- Updated questions are downloaded for import into exam software.
“Streamlined, accurate tagging of assessment items using mapEDU and standardized MeSH terms should prove to make ‘closing the loop’ on curricular and assessment issues easier than ever,”
~ Randall K. Harris, Ph.D., Associate Dean, and Professor, Preclinical Sciences at William Carey University
Harris has previously worked with the mapEDU team to assist in enhancing the exam tagging product as an existing customer.

The founders of mapEDU are biologists and pharmacy professors familiar with the rigors of these institutions’ comprehensive learning outcomes and accreditation systems. mapEDU is the first cloud-based technology in these fields exclusively built for curriculum analytics.
mapEDU’s Exam Tagging is available now to take advantage of this futuristic AI-Powered software.
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