The Consumer Electronics Show 2023
Finding the most excellent equipment at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas takes four days of laborious searching. One hundred fifteen thousand visitors gathered at the Los Vegas Convention Center and elsewhere from around the world this year, the event’s first complete comeback since 2020.
Digital advancements from automotive manufacturers, wireless electronics advancements, valuable and lightweight VR and AR applications and devices, and a plethora of devices aimed at tracking, monitoring, and improving health and well-being were among the top trends noted by Billboard.
While it’s impossible to see it all and much harder to predict which inventions will reach customers, their comprehensive collection highlights the ideas Billboard thought would improve our work and make our lives more joyful in the short or long term.
Edge Sound Research
EDGE Sound Research partnered with Minnesota Twins to introduce the first embodied audio stadium experience using its ResonX technology on the Opening Day of the Twins’ 13th season at Target Field on Friday, 8th April.
Opening day at Target Field for the Twins’ 13th season was about more than watching the game and hearing the crowd yell. That game was about innovation, as the Twins will reveal goods created by entrepreneurs participating in the team’s founded accelerator program.
Read Here: Edge Sound Research to Deliver Immersive Sound Experiences During Baseball Games
Edge Sound Research in CES 2023
Recently, EDGE Sound Research was mentioned in the article “Billboard’s Best of CES 2023” in Billboard magazine.
Edge Sound is pioneering surround-sound experiences that protect hearing and give listeners an unmatched experience. With a Midas touch, ResonX speakers build immersive settings; the sensory audio technology may be used in clubs, sports arenas, bars, and even the comfort of a living room couch to provide experiences that mimic the desired entertainment.
What’s Unique About This Technology: The flexibility of the possible surroundings for ResonX includes comfort. You may separate the pure tactile audio technology to hear or feel the bass.
Cost: $799
Edge Sound Research in CES 2022
Audio technology startup Edge Sound Research developed a new sound technology in which users can hear sound between 0 – 20,000Hz and feel sound between 0 – 2000Hz with an intelligent design.
The design aspect of its tech allows computational audio ensuring better sound quality no matter what surface Edge Sound devices are attached to.
The Riverside-California startup first participated in the esteemed Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020. But, it has again made it to the CES 2022, in which it displayed its patent-pending technology.
Read More: Riverside Audio Tech Startup Edge Sound Research in CES 2022
Wrap Up!
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas showcases the latest advancements in technology and gadgets. EDGE Sound Research, a Riverside-based audio technology startup, was mentioned in Billboard magazine’s “Best of CES 2023” list.
This startup has developed innovative sound technology, ResonX, that protects hearing and provides immersive audio experiences.
The company also partnered with the Minnesota Twins to bring its technology to the field and deliver embodied audio experiences during baseball games. ReasonX technology is versatile and offers a range of possible surroundings, from sports arenas to living rooms, costing $799.