Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple Computer, Inc., will be the key speaker at WRCOG’s 31st Annual General Assembly, which will be held on June 23, 2022, at Pechanga Resort Casino.
“Mr. Wozniak’s passion for pushing the boundaries and innovative approach to thinking differently is similar to how we’d like to think of our region’s efforts in positioning for the opportunities ahead of us.”
~ WRCOG’s Vice-Chair and Mayor for the City of San Jacinto, Crystal Ruiz.
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What’s the Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG)?
WRCOG is a joint powers body comprised of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, 18 cities, two regional water districts, and the Riverside County Sheriff. Its members direct its operations and activities. WRCOG works on several regional concerns essential to the future of Western Riverside County, recognizing that issues connected to expansion are not restricted by city or county lines.
WRCOG is cost-effective by avoiding duplication of effort and sharing information, enabling strong advocacy, and enhancing Western Riverside County’s standing in southern California and the state by working together through its committee structure and leveraging existing resources. Transportation, air quality, solid waste, environment, energy, resiliency, sustainability, and growth are just a few of WRCOG’s program areas.
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WRCOG’s 31st Annual General Assembly
In early 2022, regional leadership officials from the Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) met to draft a Strategic Plan for the Agency, which would guide the Agency’s goal and vision for bringing the area forward. This strategic vision is further bolstered by the Agency’s fundamental principles, one of which, Innovation, is the topic of this year’s 31st Annual General Assembly.
“Western Riverside County, located in southern California, is a prime example of the bold Innovation in Inland. It’s also with great enthusiasm that I announce that, in line with the Innovation and transformation taking place, none other than Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple Computer, Inc., will be headlining WRCOG’s 31st Annual General Assembly on June 23, 2022, at Pechanga Resort Casino.”
~ WRCOG Chair and Riverside County 2nd District Supervisor, Karen Spiegel.
Riverside County surpassed Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego Counties as California’s fastest-growing county, with a population expected to expand faster than the state average. According to recent United States Census Bureau data, Riverside County has the fourth biggest population of all California counties, outnumbering 15 states. Strong company growth has been a primary engine for Riverside County. The county recently matched for the third fastest-growing county in California in business establishments, with a solid 17 percent increase.
“Much of the Agency’s efforts, along with local and regional stakeholders, are geared towards continuing to prepare for the tremendous growth ahead. In addition, the Agency’s new Strategic Plan will continue to serve as our North Star for our activities as we continue to push forward.”
~ WRCOG Executive Director, Dr. Kurt Wilson.
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