Identifying And Fostering The Growth of Startups in Ontario with ED Director Jennifer Hiramoto


Audio Only Version

Startempire Wire
Startempire Wire
Identifying And Fostering The Growth of Startups in Ontario with ED Director Jennifer Hiramoto

Show Notes

In this episode of The Startempire Wire Founder’s Podcast I sit down with #Economic #Development #Director of the City of #Ontario Jennifer Hiramoto. We discuss Jennifer’s journey into her current role at the City of Ontario, her goals for supporting the local startup ecosystem & efforts to connect city work with other regional efforts.
Check this episode out NOW LIVE on YouTube and all major podcast platforms.

0:42 Your Personal Introduction
3:30 Current Position with City of Ontario?
5:22 What is the City of Ontario is doing for Startups?
9:30 Are there Entrepreneurs stepping up in City of Ontario?
11:22 Is the City of Ontario Doing Anything to Attract Entrepreneurs?
14:22 Commercial
16:09 How are you working with other cities in Inland Empire?
20:40 What you guys doing in Economic Department in Ontario in near Future?
27:07 Relevant to Economic Development
31:17 Anything else you want to add?

Startup Profile  & Transcript

This transcription is pending…. Please check back later. 🙂

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