$100M Expansion In Real Estate Logistics, City Of Riverside Gets $4.3M & More

Want To Know What’s going on for Startups & the Startup Community in the Inland Empire? Check out the Startempire Weekly Wire Roundup.
This video Newsletter is a wrap Up of Articles, News & Events around the Inland Empire & part of Startempire Wire – an aggregate location on the web dedicated to connecting you with the best startups, people and events in the Inland Empire
All of the Articles mentioned in this roundup and the script can be found on The Startempire Wire Website.
0:00 Intro
In Weekly Wire Roundup No.18 we cover:
0:20 1. The Inland Empire Community Foundation (IECF) to Give Up to $20k Operational Grants
0:51 2. EnergyTech University Prize Offers $250K in Cash Prizes
1:41 3. Inland Empire Technology and Robotics Presentation
2:24 4. Esri Software to be used by an 180 Acres Park Town in London: Use Case is Drone Flight Mgmt
3:03 5. $160B+ Economies of San Bernardino and Riverside County
3:41 6. Chaffey College InTech Center Wins a Two-Year $881K Contract from California’s Employment Training Panel (ETP)
Upcoming Meetups & Meetings
4:34 • #IEWP Monthly Meetup (General Meetup) – Tue Jan 4
4:59 • Thursdays in Murrieta/Temecula (8 Bit Brewing Co) Bitcoin, Beer, Freedom, Etc
5:14 • WordPress Developer Night – #IEWP – Tue Jan 11
5:32 Outro
A summary of this week’s roundup can be found here:
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