Understanding Intergenerational Business with Keanon Alderson Ph.D of The CBU Family Business Center


Audio Only Version

Startempire Wire
Startempire Wire
Understanding Intergenerational Business with Keanon Alderson Ph.D of The CBU Family Business Center

Show Notes

In this episode of The Startempire Wire Founder’s Podcast I sit down with #Professor and Director of the Family Business Center at California Baptist University Keanon Alderson Ph.D. We discuss the statics and dynamics of intergenerational family business and touch upon the new Family Business Center at CBU. We also talk about where The Family Business Center currently is in the growth process with current goals and needs.

Keanon Alderson is passionate about helping family-owned businesses become more efficient and productive by improving communication, preventing conflict, improving family business decision-making, and instituting proper family governance mechanisms such as family meetings, a family council, a family constitution, and creating boards of advisors. I

Keanon works with family business leaders and helps develop the next generation to prepare for successful transitions.

As a 17-year second-generation member of his own family business, he has personal experience with the challenges and opportunities of a family-owned business. His doctoral work was on second generation family business decision-making

Check this episode out NOW LIVE on YouTube and all major podcast platforms.

1:07 Your Personal Introduction
3:27 Stats about the Region
8:33 How families need to be separate
15:41 Commercial
22:27 Family Crisis
39:00 How they can join your class
40:22 Short term goals
44:44 Bonus Talks
49:25 Info about you & your startup online

Startup Profile  & Transcript

This transcription is pending…. Please check back later. 🙂

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