Providing Early Education & Care with Harry Jackson of Jackson Family Human Services
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Show Notes
In this episode of The Startempire Wire Founder’s Podcast I sit down with #Entrepreneur Harry Jackson. We discuss Harry’s journey of entrepreneurship in family human services. We end by talking about where Harry Jackson Family Human Services is in the growth process with current goals and needs.
Former Cal Fire firefighter Harry Jackson was doing volunteer work with recently released inmates when he had an epiphany. He was helping former inmates reintroduce themselves to society when he realized that many of these men had behavioral problems that had led to their incarceration.
This epiphany led him to make a drastic shift as he decided to change his focus into working children and young adults with young children with atypical neurodiversity Now his company, Jackson Family Human Services, specializes in that kind of work.
He has realized that getting young children the correct diagnosis and treatment can be a matter of life and death. He cites the example of a friend of his from Los Angeles who had a lot of behavioral issues in school. However, since he never received the correct treatment or diagnosis, he joined a gang and is now deceased. He believes that his friend had a disability but never received the proper treatment or diagnosis. Jackson said the fate of his friend taught him that being in a middle-class community can provide you with much more services than if you live in an inner-city, rural or urban community.
“I’ve seen both sides,” he said, “When you’re in a middle-class community, there’s a sense of compassion if you have behavioral problems.”
Check this episode out NOW LIVE on YouTube and all major podcast platforms.
0:54 Your Personal Introduction
1:50 Taking the Risk
5:25 Needs your business meets
14:01 Commercial
19:10 What’s Unique is in his Business
20:38 Growing Pains of your Startup
31:40 Current Needs of your Startup
37:50 Short term & Future Goals
42:40 Info about you & your startup online
Startup Profile & Transcript
This transcription is pending…. Please check back later. 🙂