Implementing True Small Business Data Security with Andrew Crawford of Compliance Specialists


Audio Only Version

Startempire Wire
Startempire Wire
Implementing True Small Business Data Security with Andrew Crawford of Compliance Specialists

Show Notes

In this episode of The Startempire Wire Founder’s Podcast I sit down with #Entreprenuer Andrew Crawford Founder of Compliance Specialists. We discuss Andrews’s journey of entrepreneurship and foray into the field of Data Security as the owner of Compliance Specialists. We also talk about where Compliance Specialists currently is in the growth process with current goals and needs.

COMPLIANCE SPECIALISTS is a rare company founded specifically to protect & serve the smallest U.S. Businesses’ needs for COMPLIANCE with data security laws & regulations. Internet criminals have become increasingly sophisticated and have begun aggressively targeting even the smallest U.S. businesses, resulting in U.S. federal, state, and local governments data security laws expanding, encroaching, and demanding legal compliance from businesses of all sizes.

COMPLIANCE SPECIALISTS is focused clearly on how Small Businesses are IN DANGER and on how they WILL NOT see the Attack. Today, common, everyday data security attacks can damage and end up destroying or bankrupting a small business. COMPLIANCE SPECIALISTS specializes in True Small Business Data Security™, delivering effective compliance services, and utilizing automation and tight cost control to keep its small business packages affordable.

COMPLIANCE SPECIALISTS wants its small business clients to grow! Growing serves you, and your family, and our country. Your business growth is an important priority for us. We serve your small business by protecting you to grow.

Check this episode out NOW LIVE on YouTube and all major podcast platforms.

1:01 Your Personal Introduction
4:00 More about his business
10:46 Commercial
12:38 Beginning of Compliance Specialists
15:10 Services of Compliance Specialists
34:13 Growing Pains of your Startup
45:56 Steps for Next Level
48:15 Short term Goals
55:59 Future Term Goals
59:37 Info about you & your startup online

Startup Profile  & Transcript

This transcription is pending…. Please check back later. 🙂

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