Demystifying GIS & Enhancing Geospatial Awareness with Dr. Kiran Manchikanti of Mapsol Geo


Audio Only Version

Startempire Wire
Startempire Wire
Demystifying GIS & Enhancing Geospatial Awareness with Dr. Kiran Manchikanti of Mapsol Geo

Show Notes

In this episode of The Startempire Wire Founder’s Podcast I sit down with CEO & #Founder & of Mapsol Geo Dr. Kiran Manchikanti. We discuss Kiran’s journey of founding Mapsol Geo. We end by talking about where Mapsol Geo is in the growth process with current goals and needs.

Einstein had long pointed out how the space/time was understood as a collection of known objects in the pre-scientific era and how it had slowly transitioned into an understanding that interspersed with objects, the space/time fabric is an absolute continuum. However, much of the current thought in this context is still archaic.

This understanding is rather critical in the digital mapping science/systems, popularly known as GIS or Geospatial Information Science and Technology. Intrigued by the many intricacies of the multidimensional reality that cause and constrain problems related to the earth, Dr. Kiran Manchikanti founded Mapsol Geospatial Solutions to leverage the geospatial science from a fresh and revolutionizing angle to meet the emerging geospatial needs.

A diligent and enthusiastic geospatial professional and a personality with a philosophical outlook, Kiran presents with 15 years of experience. World-class education; rare innovations in space/time data models and geospatial optimization; a complete ground-up on the scientific and inside-the-black-box concepts of geospatial technologies; skillsets in commercial software tools as well as in writing new tools; rave reviews and awards for his outstanding research, problem-solving, and management skills; are some of the attributes of Dr. Manchikanti.

As part of his interests in holistic life-styles and ancient civilizations, Kiran discovered a deep science about the space/time fabric and the manifestation process involved in ancient architecture and other art-forms. From something that turned out to be less of a chance-happening, Kiran is now studying the ancient Indian architecture alongside his geospatial career to quench his passion for the space/time even more. An interesting outcome of this exercise – Kiran is now working on developing some innovative geospatial data structures that have the potential to exponentially improve the size, efficiency, and depth of geospatial problems solved.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a map is worth volumes of text and tables in elucidating earth-based objects and processes. Whether it is finding the shortest route between two points on a road network; understanding how a groundwater pollutant plume is traveling; optimally allocating irrigation water to higher and lower areas of an agricultural field; finding out where a particular disease began and how it is spreading into an epidemic; even finding the best location to set-up a certain kind of new business based on the demographics of a given area; monitoring global warming; understanding real-estate trends; understanding cultural footprints of crime; or saving endangered species of animals and their habitats, it all boils down to having a map-based information systems and solutions.

Mapsol is an all-encompassing and paradigm shifting geospatial company with a fresh and revolutionizing view of geospatial – beyond just “map”​, “data”​, or “software”​.

Check this episode out NOW LIVE on YouTube and all major podcast platforms.

00:46 Introduction
02:40 Starting of this Tech
05:02 Users Interaction
06:56 Data Layers
10:11 Commercial
12:36 Differences from Similar Business
17:50 Growth of your Startup
23:53 Short Term Goals
26:24 Long Term Goals
29:58 Info about you & your startup online

Startup Profile  & Transcript

This transcription is pending…. Please check back later. 🙂

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