Creating Solutions for World Impacting Problems with Gray Cash of Cash Electronic Designs Inc
Audio Only Version

Show Notes
In this episode of The Startempire Wire Founder’s Podcast I sit down with Entrepreneur Gray Cash, Founder & CEO of Cash Electronic Designs Inc. We discuss Cash’s journey of the creation of Cash Electronic Designs & talk about where his startup currently is in the startup process. Cash Electronic Designs Inc was a participating business in the UCR I Corps program for customer discovery and is currently testing their prototype of the Magnetic Energy Converter for Axles.
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1:30 Your Personal Introduction
5:48 Introduction & Origin of your Startup
13:28 What need does your Startup meet?
15:49 Commercial
23:09 The Growth of Your Startup
30:50 Current Needs of Your Startup
41:50 Short term goals of your Startup
47:40 Future goals of your Startup
50:39 Info about you & your startup online
Startup Profile & Transcript
This transcription is pending…. Please check back later. 🙂