Creating A Community Of Respect, Inclusiveness & Empowerment With David Harrison of Paws 4 Success


Audio Only Version

Startempire Wire
Startempire Wire
Creating A Community Of Respect, Inclusiveness & Empowerment With David Harrison of Paws 4 Success

Show Notes

In this episode of The Startempire Wire Founder’s Podcast I sit down with #Founder David Harrison, Founder of Paws 4 Success. We discuss David’s journey of the creation of Paws 4 Success & talk about where his Startup currently is in the growth process and current goals and needs.
Paws 4 Success is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that enhances the lives of individuals with disabilities through the service dogs they train and the programs they offer which promote mental health wellness. These programs include; mental health forums, resiliency workshops which focus on topics such as communication skills or stress management, basic yoga, special needs and family yoga, weekly community dog walks, YAPPY Hour community fairs, and bi-weekly dinners open to veterans, first responders, and their families. They fund their programs through community support and the various levels of dog training course they offer to the public.

1:09 Your Personal Introduction
2:07 Introduction & Origin of your Startup
9:17 How this Paws 4 Success works?
10:14 Commercial
15:17 What need does your Startup meet?
16:47 The Growth of Your Startup
20:41 Current Needs of Your Startup
22:00 How Paw 4 Success gets the dogs
26:48 Short term goals of your Startup
27:46 Future goals of your Startup
29:12 Info about you & your startup online

Startup Profile  & Transcript

This transcription is pending…. Please check back later. 🙂

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