Bringing The Best of Southern California to You With Jason James of SoCal Television
Audio Only Version

Show Notes
In this episode of The Startempire Wire Founder’s Podcast I sit down with #Entrepreneur Jason James. We discuss Jason’s journey of entrepreneurship & breaking into the Live Streaming Business while setting up SoCal Television. We also talk about where Jason currently is in the growth process with current goals and needs.
SoCalTelevision is an on-location television production that ventures throughout Southern California to showcase special travel locations, entertainment, tourist attractions, upcoming current events, and local news. Along with fine dining reviews and MUCH MORE!
SoCal Television can be viewed online, easily accessible and broadcasted worldwide over the Internet 24/7.
Check this episode out NOW LIVE on YouTube and all major podcast platforms.
0:58 Your Personal Introduction
4:35 Where you Grown Up
10:55 Commercial
17:20 Needs you sticked with SoCal Television
15:23 How you came up with this idea
28:25 Important Message
32:15 Subscription Benefits
33:59 Current Needs of your Startup
36:22 Short term goals of your Startup
41:11 Info about you & your startup online
Startup Profile & Transcript
This transcription is pending…. Please check back later. 🙂